This is literally a website like literally look at the website is like all html how crazy is that? In fact I am inspired to make static websites because I saw a video on youtube telling me how cool and artsy old websites used to look like so euh!

I don't want this to be a blog because talking about my life and my self is boring so I am gonna talk (or type!!!ยง!) about my curent obsessions!!!

List of things that i happen to love

A list of thing that i enjoy consuming, making or using:

this is maybe a index list where i will link to different pages talking about those topics in more details!!!!!!


it have been a while since I last updated the website, I totaly forgot about it i'm sorry!!

I enjoyed going through the gifs in the gif city archive website thinking of how inocent the internet used to be when i didn't even exist, and to my horrific surprise i found the most disgusting compilation of images without ANY warning, so i just stoped looking through gifs and somehow stoped developing the website

anyways I'm kinda bored rn so i guess i'm going to continue to develop the website

Yeah I have nothing else to say, the styling is horible, the gifs take years to load cause my smart self pasted the link of the images to the element atributes instead of downloading them, now neocities must make a request to or whatever AND i ran out of things to write about!!!